dinsdag 23 november 2010

Martin's workshed

Åland, a small Finnish island in front of Sweden.
Martin, a friend of mine, runs a nice old Bed & Breakfast. He's real Indian-kind of guy and by that I mean the motorcycles! He rides a neat Indian Chief, his wife has an old Scout and at the moment he's building her a cool Indian trike. I was lucky enough to go visit him, together with some friends. When we stepped in he's shed/workshop our mouths fell open.. He's got this amazingly old shed, filled with old stuff, machinery, can's, ... there's even an old 'machinery room' with old leather belts running across the sealing from one side of the roam to the other. One engine that does it spin, and all the different machines just have to be 'put in gear' to make them run.
That place was like heaven! Hope to go visit him again soon and take some more pictures!

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